Reasons to Modify Child Custody

Reasons to Modify Child Custody

Judge modifying custody agreementWhen a child custody arrangement is not working out well, this could be due to a change in circumstances or because arrangement was never fully appropriate for the situation. Regardless of the reasons why, there may be a need to request an alteration of the child custody agreement.

This blog will provide a brief overview of the reasons that may be deemed valid in order to make a successful child custody modification.

Is the modification you intend to make in your child's best interests?

The concern of the court is always whether a custody modification is in the best interests of the child. Therefore, if you want to make a change for a selfish reason and the court deems it to potentially having a negative impact on the child's routine, they will not approve the modification.

Is your child in danger?

A much more pressing issue that the courts will take extremely seriously is if you want to make a modification because you believe that your child is in danger. This may be because of domestic violence or neglect in the house of the other custodial parent. The court will assess every situation individually.

Is the current agreement being violated?

If one of the custodial parents is violating the current child custody agreement by way of not complying with the visitation schedule, then a new agreement may need to be created.

Deciding to request a modification to your child custody agreement can be costly and is occasionally unsuccessful, so you should make sure to do adequate research before proceeding.

Contact us today to speak with a skilled attorney about your custody modification needs!

Matthew B. Drexler

Blog Author: Matthew B. Drexler

Matthew Drexler is an award-winning attorney from Drexler Law who takes a client-focused approach to law.

Visit his bio to learn more about his dedication to helping his clients.

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Source: The spruce, "5 Reasons to Request Child Custody Modification," DEBRINA WASHINGTON, accessed Sep. 01, 2017
