Retirement And Marriage: It Could Be Problematic

Many married people approaching retirement age begin to wonder what life will be like once they stop working. Will they actually get to travel? What will it be like sitting at home all day? Are there new hobbies they can acquire? Will retirement cause a strain on their marriage? This last question is a very important one that can cause quite a bit of stress for couples in Colorado Springs.

Fidelity investments recently conducted a study that found one in three couples is not on the same page when discussing what retirement life will be like. Many couples grow apart later in life because they are spending time focusing on their careers and not each other or the marriage as a whole. Being together 24 hours per day can cause a lot of problems.

If you are worried what retirement will do to your marriage you need to have discussions with your spouse about what you expect life will be like once both of you are home all the time. Both spouses should explain their goals for retirement years and how to meet those goals.

Another problem that can arise is when one spouse wants to retire and the other is not yet ready to retire. This can cause resentment because the one spouse wants to travel, join groups and take up hobbies, while the other wants to continue to make a living.

The way your marriage survives retirement is all up to you. Find new ways to enjoy life with your spouse. If the marriage has taken a bad turn it might be time to consider filing for divorce in Colorado.

Source: The Washington Post, "Can retirement ruin your marriage?," May 07, 2018
