Young couple smiling while looking at finances together

The Rise of Prenups Among Millennials

Marriage and the Millennial Generation

While millennials have been associated with the rise in popularity of avocado toast, they have also started a prenuptial agreement trend before tying the knot. According to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 62% of lawyers polled said the total number of millennial clients seeking a prenup had increased. Here are some speculations as to why.

Millennials are Marrying Later

Millennials are taking longer to settle down than previous generations. This means that they are building assets on their own. When heading into a marital arrangement, they want to ensure that what they have accumulated before the marriage remains protected in the event of a divorce. It’s also not a secret that many Millenials deal with insurmountable student loan debt and want to stay protected against taking it on should a divorce happen in the future.

When considering a prenuptial agreement, consulting an experienced attorney can answer the many questions you have regarding marital agreements. With the help of a lawyer, you and your future spouse can map out a prenuptial agreement beneficial to both of you.

The Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement

The poll mentioned above could indicate that millennials are doing their homework before jumping into marriage. Here are some benefits of a prenup:

  • Protection of pre-marital property and assets
  • Protection from debt and other liabilities
  • Limits future conflict of handling assets and matters of children
  • It makes the divorce process go smoother

Need Assistance With a Prenuptial Agreement? We Can Help.

There are many reasons why marrying couples opt for a prenuptial agreement. Before getting married, having a prenuptial agreement between you and your future spouse can give you peace of mind for the future. Drexler Law is here to help you and your spouse tailor a prenuptial agreement that is right for you.

Contact us today at (719) 259-0050 to schedule a consultation.
